Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I challenge myself!

Tomorrow seems like the perfect day to start a new blog challenge.  I'm going against my better judgement and doing a 30-day challenge again, but this time, it's lighter and fluffier and has half the calories and one-third less fat than last year's 30-day challenge.  (I have no idea what that even means.  I'm feeling giddy from all the gravy I had at dinner tonight.)

November is also NaNoWriMo (aka. National Novel Writing Month), which seems kind of fitting for a blog challenge.  And while I'll probably never write a novel (Or maybe I will, you never know.  I'll probably start ten, if I know myself, and I'm pretty sure I do), I can at least pump out a few paragraphs a day on some silly topics, right?  That last sentence alone, with all of its asides and parenthetical thoughts, would probably drive any editor to drink.  Maybe I'll write a novel just so I can watch members of the publishing field descend into madness.  Sounds like my idea of fun!

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