Friday, April 23, 2010

Four hours

That's how long I spent in Panera Bread today. It's a testament to how seldom I actually get out of the house that I was able to spend four entire hours in a restaurant. At least I wasn't alone! I had a "date" with my favorite aunt and cousin. It was so relaxing to sit there and solve all the world's problems without any interruptions. We chose to solve everyone else's problems because as everybody knows, our own lives are perfect. *eye roll*

We vowed to get together more often, but I think one thing I'm going to have to change is the location. It does me no good to spend hour after hour in such close proximity to delicious, high-fat baked goods. Because really, am I EVER going to pick an apple over the cheese danish if I have the option? The Magic 8 Ball says, "Definitely Not". Best to stay away from the temptation! After all, it's more about getting together with friends and family than it is about stuffing my gob.

Gob...isn't that a cream-filled chocolate cake-y cookie thing? Mmmm...that sounds kind of good right now...

NO! Be strong, Jen. Pick the apple. It's the right thing to do. The cheese danish is NOT your friend!


  1. Oh I totally get what you are saying. We have Corner bakery and their whoopi pies are to die for. What is the point of me working so hard in the gym if I am going to ruin it by eating those things.

  2. The good stuff is good, but the bad stuff tastes SO MUCH BETTER. It's a conspiracy, I tell ya!
