Saturday, April 13, 2013

Crossing fingers

Trifextra:  Week Sixty-three

This weekend we're asking for exactly 33 of your own words inspired by the following quote from the book you could win in the WBN giveaway. Good luck!
“It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” ― Paulo CoelhoAlchemist

Anxiety overflowing.
Fingers drum nervously.
Good news or bad news?

Afraid to hope.
Desperate to dream,
To plan, to believe.

Enter the doctor.
The future begins to clear.
Finally the words…

 “Cancer free”.


  1. Lovely! I bet those are the most beautiful words in the world in that moment. Great take on the prompt!

  2. Health is wealth & such a blessing is really rare in today's world!Great job:-)

  3. Hooray for dreams come true! (:

  4. Such heartfelt words and definitely beautiful!

  5. 2 best words ever!

    Very nicely done.

  6. Hard to imagine better news. Hope this is more than a mere work of fiction. If so, congratulations!

    1. There is no better news, for certain. It's not fiction, it's for my mom, who has been battling cancer for almost three years. She's not *cured*, but at this moment, she's winning the battle. I was blessed enough to be with her when she got the awesome news. It was, as you can imagine, an incredibly momentous occasion.

      Thanks for reading!

    2. I am smiling for you, both, and my heart is full. Congrats on all counts! :)

  7. those are freeing words. Congrats!

  8. Beautiful words, beautifully written! <3

  9. What huge weight lifted off the shoulders in this dream-come-true piece! I actually let out a sigh of relief reading this!

    1. We've been holding our collective breath (as a family) for what seems like forever. I lost my dad to cancer in June, 2010 and 3 months later, my mom found out her cancer was back. I am happy to report that she's beating it. You have no idea how big MY sigh of relief was!

    2. I'm so happy for you and your family--congratulations on your mom winning this fight! I couldn't tell if this was autobiographical/biographical, but it seemed *real*. I can only imagine how big your sigh of relief was!

  10. Great imagery in so few words. I felt the relief at the end. Well done.

  11. desperate to dream is such a beautiful concept. Terrific post (and congratulations on good news)!

  12. Congratulations on your win! I knew yours would be a winner!
